What's happening
One Mile at a Time
Etihad Announces Details Of Their Radical Restructuring | One Mile at a Time
With Etihad having racked up huge losses over the past couple of years, here's the radical restructuring that the air...
The Jakarta Post
Nontariff barriers disadvantage poor people: Think tank
Indonesia's nontariff barriers on food imports may limit the accessibility and affordability of nutritious foods, whi...
Tak Kuat Lagi Gaji Pilot Rp 70 Juta, Maskapai Pangkas Pekerja
Bisnis penerbangan menunjukkan tanda-tanda kolaps, terkakhir Lion Group memangkas 2.600 pekerjanya, termasuk pilot ko...
Sri Mulyani Akan Naikkan Tarif Cukai Rokok pada 2020-2024
Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati akan menaikkan tarif Cukai Hasil Tembakau (CHT) alias cukai rokok dalam bebera...
Jakarta Diprediksi Cerah Berawan Hari Ini - Beritajakarta.id
Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) memprediksi cuaca di DKI Jakarta cerah berawan hari ini. Namun, w...
The Jakarta Post
Unstable internet, shipment issues: SMEs face uphill battle digitizing business to survive
With households holding back on spending and opting to save money, demand for SME products has declined.
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