14 Maret, 2018

Time to Show "Belajar Apps" to the World!

Time to Show "Belajar Apps" to the World!

Belajar Apps
Time to Show "Belajar Apps" to the World!


We’ve seen the good work you’ve done on "Belajar Apps" and we want to help you take your app global. With our platform, you can submit your app to all the major app stores.

You’ve done the hard part! Now finish the job and drive downloads of your app by making it downloadable from the app stores everywhere. With AppMakr, building your audience is affordable. Publishing your app today can cost as little as $1 per month — try our 30 DAY FREE TRIAL first, with no money down. If you’re not completely satisfied, cancel anytime.

We’re pleased to welcome you to the million-strong community of App Makers who, just like you, have used our platform to connect to their audiences and build their businesses. We’ll be in touch over the weeks to come with more tips on how to get the most traction for your app.

Welcome aboard!

Jay Shapiro
CEO, AppMakr

To go back and edit / update your app in The Machine, click here.
AppMakr ©2017

Unsubscribe sundoelcoy@gmail.com from this list.

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